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GEC has delivered a convincing performance in the benchmark: with its intelligent assistance system, it has been classified as ‘Leading Edge’ and ‘Hidden Champion’ in the renowned PAC INNOVATION RADAR. The analysts see the practical approach of the AI solution as a decisive advantage.

Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
Using artificial intelligence in industry promises a future in which machines act more intelligently and autonomously, decisions are taken based on data, and human workers are backed by highly specialised AI systems. In this e-book you will learn how you can usefully employ AI in practice and so optimise your production processes, promote sustainability and boost your competitiveness.

PAC Radar 2023: German Edge Cloud ranks in the top group and is competence leader
PAC has ranked German Edge Cloud (GEC) as "Best in Class" - for the second time in a row. Only GEC and Red Hat are ranked best in class in the segment "Open digital platforms for industrial hybrid/multi-cloud application management". German Edge Cloud is also the competence leader in this area. PAC rates GEC as a leading vendor as a strong open source and ecosystem player in the German manufacturing industry. The market analysis and consulting firm evaluated 105 relevant platform providers. You can read the criteria and results of the PAC INNOVATION RADAR "Open Digital Platforms for the Industrial World 2023" here.

ONCITE DPS Flyer: Technology and digitalization platform for a smart sactory
ONCITE DPS (Digital Production System) is a technology platform for innovative industrial applications. It includes key software solutions, and also supports the design, development, implementation, monitoring and management of new applications.

Manufacturing Experience plus IT Makes the Difference: GEC Rises as "Best in Class" on PAC Radar
PAC has ranked German Edge Cloud (GEC) as "Best in Class" in Europe. For the PAC INNOVATION RADAR "Open Digital Platforms for the Industrial World 2022", the market analysis and consulting company evaluated 79 relevant platform providers. In the "Open Digital Platforms for factory-edge-centric industrial IoT" segment, only GEC and IBM/Red Hat were rated "Best in Class". PAC identifies GEC's combination of domain knowledge around manufacturing and IT as a unique selling point.

OnePager Flyer: UseCase with SupplyOn - Transparency, quality enhancement and secure data exchange in the automotive sector
Suppliers are subject to strict quality requirements and guidelines. At the same time, they are increasingly having to integrate their products into networked environments and transmit production data to third parties. That is why they need not only solutions that will boost quality but also systems for secure, standardised data exchange and maximum data sovereignty.

OnePager Flyer: UseCase with Limtronik - Automating error identification and fixing faults fast
High production volumes and quality standards coupled with low margins and cost pressures – these are the key traits of the electronics sector. All the same, companies often need to invest large sums to safeguard their processes. The aim is to create a solution, based on optical quality assurance and artificial intelligence, that both boosts quality in production and drives down costs.

PAC INNOVATION RADAR: German Edge Cloud Proves Leading Market Position and is Awarded as a "Hidden Champion"
With the PAC INNOVATION RADAR "Open Digital Platforms for the Industrial World in Europe 2021", the market analysis and consulting company PAC provides a comprehensive analysis of the provider landscape for open digital platforms. For this purpose, 67 relevant platform providers in innovative market segments in Europe were evaluated. German Edge Cloud proves to be a "Leading-Edge" provider in the segment "Open Digital Platforms for Edge Cloud-centric Industrial IoT" and receives the award "Hidden Champion".

PAC INNOVATION RADAR: German Edge Cloud Proves Leading Market Position and is Awarded as a "Hidden Champion"
With the PAC INNOVATION RADAR "Open Digital Platforms for the Industrial World in Europe 2021", the market analysis and consulting company PAC provides a comprehensive analysis of the provider landscape for open digital platforms. For this purpose, 67 relevant platform providers in innovative market segments in Europe were evaluated. German Edge Cloud proves to be a "Leading-Edge" provider in the segment "Open Digital Platforms for Edge Cloud-centric Industrial IoT" and receives the award "Hidden Champion".

Infographic: The digital factory between edge and cloud computing
The following infographic provides a clear and summarized overview of the key facts and insights from the white paper. It takes a brief, concrete look and summarizes the driving forces around industry applications, the future outlook for cloud platforms, and the recommended criteria for vendor selection.

Whitepaper: The digital factory between edge and cloud computing – strategic considerations for industrial applications
The cloud forms the backbone of a digital neural system that spans the world. However, a network has not only a core, but also many edge areas. Edge computing stands for the idea of providing computing capacity near these edge areas of the network as an extension of the central cloud. The most important question here is whether edge computing is just an add-on to the very successful cloud concept or whether it completely changes the digital factory. This white paper examines the important key drivers around factory-based applications, conceptual implications, the relevant vendor landscape, and recommendations for meaningful vendor selection.