Privacy Policy

As a user of our website­, this privacy policy provides you with all the necessary information on how, to what extent, and for what purpose we or third-party providers collect personal data from you and how we use it.

The collection, processing, use and, if necessary, transmission of your data is carried out strictly in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), and the German Telemedia Act (TMG).

Name and address of the responsible party

The responsible party within the meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation as well as other data protection regulations is:

German Edge Cloud GmbH & Co. KG

Diezer Straße 52
65549 Limburg a.d. Lahn
Phone: +49 6431 590970


Name and address of the data protection officer

The data protection officer for the responsible party is:

Dr. Martin Schmidt
Comfield Unternehmensberatung GmbH & Co. KG
Uhlandstraße 162
10719 Berlin

General information on data processing

Personal data is defined as all information by which a person can be clearly identified. It is therefore data that can be traced back to a person.

This personal data includes first name and surname, phone number, and email address. Personal data also includes information about hobbies, memberships, and preferences as well as websites that are accessed.

Processing is any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated means, relating to personal data such as collection, recording, organization, classification, storage, adaptation or alteration, reading, consultation, usage, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, comparison or combination, restriction, deletion, or destruction.

Personal data is processed by us only if permitted by law or if the user agrees to the collection, usage, and transfer of the data.

Scope of the processing of personal data

In principle, we process personal data of our users only to the extent necessary to provide a functional website and our content and services. The collection and use of personal data of our users is generally only carried out with the consent of the user. An exception is made in those cases where prior consent cannot be obtained for practical reasons and the processing of the data is permitted by legal regulations.

As a rule, our website can be used without providing personal data. As far as personal data (e.g. name, address, or email address) is collected on our website, this is always done on a voluntary basis as far as possible. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data

Insofar as we obtain the consent of the data subject for processing personal data, Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR serves as the legal basis.

When processing personal data that is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract to which the data subject is a party, Article 6 para. 1 (c) GDPR serves as the legal basis. This also applies to processing operations required to carry out pre-contractual measures.

Insofar as the processing of personal data is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which our company is subject, Art. 6 para. 1 (c) GDPR serves as the legal basis.

Insofar as the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person require the processing of personal data, Art. 6 para. 1 (d) GDPR serves as the legal basis.

If the processing is necessary to safeguard a legitimate interest of our company or of a third party and if the interests, fundamental rights, and freedoms of the data subject do not outweigh the interests of our company, Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR serves as the legal basis for the processing.

Data economy

In accordance with the principles of data avoidance and data economy, we store personal data only as long as it is necessary or required by law (legal storage period). If the purpose of the collected information ceases to apply or the storage period ends, we block or delete the data.

Data deletion and storage duration

The personal data of the person concerned will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of its storage no longer applies. Furthermore, data may be stored if this has been provided for by the European or national legislator in EU ordinances, laws, or other regulations to which the responsible party is subject. Data will also be blocked or deleted when a storage period prescribed by the above-mentioned standards expires, unless there is a need to continue storing the data for the purpose of concluding or fulfilling a contract.

Your rights to information, correction, blocking, deletion, and objection

You have the right:

  • in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR to request, free of charge, information about your personal data processed by us. In particular, you may request information on the purposes of processing, the category of personal data, the categories of recipients to whom your data has been or will be disclosed, the planned storage duration, the existence of a right of correction, deletion, restriction of processing or objection, the existence of a right of appeal, the origin of your data, if not collected by us, as well as the existence of automated decision-making including profiling and, if applicable, informative details;
  • in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR to immediately request the correction of incorrect or incomplete personal data stored by us;
  • in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR to demand the deletion of your personal data stored by us, unless processing is necessary to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information, to fulfil a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest or to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims;
  • in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR to demand the restriction of the processing of your personal data if you dispute the accuracy of the data, if the processing is unlawful but you reject its deletion and we no longer need the data, but you need it to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims, or if you have lodged an objection to the processing in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR;
  • in accordance with Art. 20 GDPR to receive your personal data that you have provided us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format or to request that it be transferred to another responsible party;
  • in accordance with Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR, to informally revoke your consent to us at any time. As a result, we are no longer allowed to continue the data processing that was based on this consent in the future and
  • to complain to a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR. As a rule, you can contact the supervisory authority of your usual place of residence or workplace or of our company headquarters. The competent supervisory authority for Hessen is

The Hessian Data Protection Officer

PO Box 3163
65021 Wiesbaden
T +49 611 1408 – 0
F +49 611 1408 – 900
E Poststelle(at)

Furthermore, you have the right to informally object to the processing of your personal data at any time.

For these purposes please contact our data protection officer or email support(at)

In order to be able to consider a data block at any time, it is necessary to keep the data in a block file for control purposes. If there is no legal archiving obligation, you can also request the deletion of this data. Otherwise, we will block the data if you wish.

Collection of general information (“log files”)

When you access our website, the browser used on your end device automatically sends information to the server of our website. This information is temporarily stored in a so-called log file. The following information is recorded without your intervention and stored until it is automatically deleted:

  • IP address of the computer requesting access
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the accessed file
  • Transferred data volume
  • Website from which the access is made (referrer URL)
  • Browser used and, if applicable, the operating system of your computer as well as the name of your access provider

The above data will be processed by us for the following purposes:

  • Guarantee of a trouble-free website connection
  • Guarantee of convenient use of our website
  • Evaluation of system security and stability
  • Other administrative purposes

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest follows from the above-listed purposes for data collection. Under no circumstances do we use the collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions about your person.

Without this data it would be technically impossible to deliver and display the contents of the website. In this respect, the collection of data is absolutely necessary. It helps us to optimize the website and the technology. We also reserve the right to subsequently check the log files if we suspect illegal use of our website.

The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary for the purpose of its collection. In the case of the collection of data for the provision of the website, this is the case when the respective session is ended.

In the case of data storage in log files, this is the case after seven days at the latest. Storage beyond that is possible. In this case, the IP addresses of the users are deleted or altered so that it is no longer possible to identify the accessing users.

Data security

To ensure the security of your data during transmission, we work with encryption procedures (such as SSL) over HTTPS, which reflect the current state of technology.

We also use appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or complete loss, destruction, or unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments.


On our website, you have the option of subscribing to a free newsletter. When registering for the newsletter, the following data from the input screen will be transmitted to us:

  • Email address
  • Surname
  • Title

In addition, the following data is collected during registration:

  • IP address of the accessing computer
  • Date and time of registration

In the context of data processing for sending newsletters, the data will not be passed on to third parties. The data will be used exclusively for sending the newsletter.

The legal basis for the processing of data after registration for the newsletter by the user (if consent was given) is Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR.

The legal basis for sending the newsletter as a result of the sale of goods or services is § 7 para. 3 UWG (German Act against Unfair Competition).

A valid email address is required to receive the newsletter. Also stored are your title and surname, the IP address via which you register for the newsletter, and the date you subscribe to the newsletter. This data is used as proof in case of misuse if a different email address is used to register for the newsletter. In addition, in order to ensure that an email address is not misused by third parties to sign up to our mailing list, we work with the so-called “double opt-in” procedure in accordance with the law. Within the scope of this procedure, the subscription to the newsletter, the sending of the confirmation email, and the receipt of the registration confirmation are recorded.

At any time, you can informally revoke your consent to the storage of your data, your email address, and its use for sending the newsletter. For this purpose, we provide you with a link to unsubscribe in every newsletter and on the website. You also have the option of informing us of your wish to unsubscribe using the contact options mentioned in this privacy policy.

The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. The user’s email address is therefore stored for as long as the subscription to the newsletter is active.

Contact form

If you contact us via the online form or by email, we store the information you provide in order to be able to respond to your inquiry and ask possible follow-up questions.

At the time the message is sent, the following data is also stored:

  • Name
  • IP address of the user
  • Date and time of registration

Your consent for the processing of this data will be obtained during the sending process and reference will be made to this privacy policy.

In this context, the data will not be passed on to third parties. The data will be used exclusively for processing the conversation.

The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. For the personal data from the input screen of the contact form and data sent by email, this is the case when the respective conversation with the user has ended. The conversation is terminated when it can be concluded from the circumstances that the matter in question has been finally clarified.

Any additional personal data collected during the sending process will be deleted after a period of seven days at the latest.

You are able to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. To do so, you can use the contact options mentioned in this privacy policy. If you contact us by email, you can object to the storage of your personal data at any time. In such a case the conversation cannot be continued.

All personal data stored in the course of the contact will be deleted in this case.

Integration of third-party services and content

Our website sometimes includes content and services of other providers. These include, for example, maps provided by Google Maps, as well as graphics and images from other websites. In order for this data to be accessed and displayed in the user’s browser, it is absolutely necessary to transmit the IP address. The providers (hereinafter referred to as “third-party providers”) thus collect the IP address of the respective user.

Although we make every effort to use only third-party providers who need the IP address only to deliver content, we have no influence on whether the IP address might be stored. This process may serve statistical purposes, for example. If we are aware that the IP address is stored, we will inform our users of this fact.


This website uses so-called cookies. These are text files that are stored on your computer by the server. They contain information on the browser, IP address, operating system, and Internet connection. We will not pass this data on to third parties or link it to personal data without your consent.

Cookies fulfill two main tasks. They help us to make it easier for you to navigate through our website and they enable the correct display of the website.

The following data is stored and transmitted in the cookies:

  • Consent to the use of cookies

We also use cookies on our website that allow us to analyze the website users’ browsing behavior.

As a result, the following data can be transmitted:

  • Entered search terms
  • Frequency of page views
  • Use of website functions

When accessing our website, you the user will be informed about the use of cookies for purposes of analysis and asked for your consent to process the personal data used in this context. In this regard, reference is also made to this privacy policy.

Cookies are stored on the user’s computer and transmitted by the computer to our website. Therefore, you as a user have full control over the use of cookies. By changing the settings in your Internet browser, you can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies. Already stored cookies can be deleted at any time. This can also be done automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it is possible that not all functions of the website can be used to their full extent.

The websites http://www.aboutads.­info/choices/ (USA) and http://www.youronline­ (Europe) allow you to manage online ad cookies.

The transmission of Flash cookies cannot be prevented by the browser settings, but can be changed by adjusting the Flash Player settings.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data using technically necessary cookies is Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies for purposes of analysis is Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR, if the user has given their consent to this.

Use of Google Analytics

We also use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”) on our website. Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how you use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, in the event that IP anonymization is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before this happens.

Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transferred to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on the website activities, and to provide further services to the website operator in connection with the use of the website and the Internet. The IP address transmitted by your browser within the scope of Google Analytics is not combined with other data from Google.

You may reject the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) by Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available here:­dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de 

As a user of mobile devices, you can prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics by setting an opt-out cookie. To do so, please click here:
Disable Google Analytics

Further information on terms of use and data protection can be found at­analytics/terms/de.html or­intl/de/policies/.

Changes to our privacy policy

This privacy policy is currently valid and was last updated in December 2020.

Due to the further development of our website or due to changes to legal or official requirements it may become necessary to change this privacy policy. You can access and print out the current privacy policy at any time on the website at

Questions for the data protection officer

If you have any questions regarding data protection, please email us or contact our data protection officer directly:

Dr. Martin Schmidt
Comfield Unternehmensberatung GmbH & Co. KG
Uhlandstraße 162
10719 Berlin

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